An Apology From a Boomer: We Were the Ones Who Believed the Lie
The destructive path we are on began thousands of years ago, but the lie shifted through out time, the biggest shift was in the 50's and we believed it completely!
Mark Boatwright-Frost
11/11/20241 min read
In the 1950s, America underwent a significant transformation as corporatocracy took root, largely fueled by the military-industrial complex's promise to safeguard the nation from communist threats. This era marked an extraordinary economic expansion, with post-WWII and Korean War tax dollars driving prosperity. Jobs were plentiful, wages were stable, and the iconic notion of having "a chicken in every pot" resonated with the optimism of the Baby Boom generation. However, this prosperity soon shifted as financial manipulation crept into the economy. Prices increased, making home ownership unattainable for many individuals. The government facilitated this transition by abandoning the gold standard, ultimately contributing to a broader acceptance of a system that prioritized wealth generation over individual prosperity. This change marked the beginning of an era that would redefine American economic structures and societal values.
We accepted this as the norm, while the schools systems continued to prepare us to be workers for the corporate world, shifting from blue collar to white collar as wealth became the predominant focus. We became puppets to manufactured ideologies of red and blue, right or left and were led like livestock away from any human focus. While this process has been developing for thousands of years, we were the generation that accelerated it to an art form.
For this I apologize, I wish we had been wiser, I sincerely hope that the following generations are, you may be the only hope humanity has at this point. Question everything!
Thoughts on a human future... ~Mark Boatwright-Frost
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