Class and Privilege Part II: Clarity and a scenario...

Permeating all layers of our culture it is pervasive and prevents us from succeeding!


The Resilient Communities Project

12/15/20243 min read


When the goal is wealth generation and status they are inherently personal and do not provide the foundation necessary for society to work. The goals are short term and short sighted which leads to devastating mid and long term consequences like homelessness, climate change, systematic collapse of infrastructure, critical systems and eventually humanity. So many love watching horror movies and dystopian future stories, we are living one in slow motion, the setup is the same only we cannot see it happen real time. The reason we cannot see it is that we have been educated out of our ability to look beyond the "offered" view to what is real, the information is there, in plain sight, but we simply cannot recognize it for what it is.

A scenario to provide context:

You work for an organization that provides a vital service to the community in which you live, the people on the front line deliver the service to the community, the management and planners lay out the methodology and timing of the services and the delivery, and there are other people that maintain and manage the equipment needed to provide these services. The leadership of the organization is largely political because it is deemed a public service to the community, the Director is experienced but has so much input from many "experts" that they have become a figurehead rather than a leader. Got it?

Simple, the goal is to deliver a service to the community in an efficient way while maintaining the organization with funding and "expertise".

Here is where it goes off the rails, where every train running goes off the rails...

All of the workers from the bottom up are in it for the paycheck, for security, for retirement, the service delivery is a means to this end. That does not mean that the majority of the front line people do not care about delivering the service or the people they serve, but that becomes of lesser import than the financial goals.

Every layer from the front line up becomes further detached from the process and more engaged in the financial and status goals, often seeing those on the front lines as "lesser" than themselves. This is not conscious, but is ingrained in them by their life experience, and our culture. This is the pervasiveness of class and privilege, it is everywhere, even the front line workers sometimes see the people they serve as lesser...

Further, this will lead to degradation of services and loss of efficiency because the focus on financial goals and the class system prevents people from seeing the true job through an unfiltered lens, creating inefficiencies as the leadership and management become more and more remote from the actual delivery of services. This in turn creates friction with those in the field.

Finally, the goals being financial will leave the ones in the field, those doing the work and delivering the service, being viewed as lesser and being the least compensated for the work they do.

You can see this repeated in every business, and every organization and every agency in the United States...

The Goals are Wrong

We focus so much on "financial" goals, because we want to survive, and thrive, that all of the services, products, and other necessary objects we require, need or want, suffer and fail.

We are pushed to believe that words like socialism and communism are evil, that they will ruin the American Dream, and force us all into the "Soviet" picture we have all seen of bread lines and poverty. Here is a dose of reality, for 40% or more of the United States that is already a reality... We are taught to react before we think, and to recite instead of learning, we are taught to capitulate and believe that memes are a real thing. Let's be honest, we are being educated to be the dumbest version of ourselves, and it is working.

This is what happens when short term goals of wealth and acquisition become part of the cultural reality and permeate systems of belief and education, as they have for the past 100 plus years. It is past time to change this, but for the moment let us work on changing our perspective and trying to see what is possible if we come together and learn how to embrace our humanity instead of the Wall Steet version of life. We need different goals, and that comes with greater perspective and greater connection with those around us, with the development of relationship.

End of Rant:

have a great holiday season however you celebrate, but remember that many will not be able to celebrate at all...

Thoughts on human existence... The resilient Community Movement