Too Big and Other Myths to Keep Humanity...

Perspective and Perception are linked in both our path to a thriving human future (to big) and our journey to collapse ( economic, social, environmental, species). The difference is the ability to expand both!


The Resilient Community Movement

1/7/20256 min read

Too Big?

Too "Big to Fail", that is what we heard before we bailed out... Name your industry. What if too "Big" were also a constraint on our ability to see? What if our education/indoctrination, programming has impaired our ability to look beyond the obvious? I hear this all the time, even in groups focused on working to create a better life for all, this inability to see beyond the offered mythology to a greater reality that shows connections just beneath...

This is just another variation of: We have already figured this out for you and you do not need to worry about it, these are not the droids you are looking for.

What if just beneath the surface of the myths we are offered is a massive truth, a truth so big, that we suddenly see that the emperor (metaphorical, not specific) has no clothes on? What if the entire house of cards were built on a corruption of our humanity, "human nature", the core human wiring that makes us what we are, and that this "virtual" version, this corrupted myth, was suddenly transparent? What if this virtual version we see is only there to keep us from being what we are wired to be?

The Machine vs. Doctor Evil

What if... this virtual mythology was a manifestation of our culture instead of the work of the illuminati, or generations of evil masterminds, or whatever the current conspiracy theories are? What if culture worked like an organic Artificial Intelligence utilizing the human species as the processor and running a program that was set in motion thousands of years ago? What if this were all a machine instead of planned control? Too crazy? Is it, or are we just unable to see what is in front of us because we are shown a picture that holds the fear we feel from the wrongness at bay?


Fear is the most powerful driver in our lives, we do almost nothing without it having its way with us. How can it not be, it is the tool most used to manipulate our behavior. Fear can be overwhelming and obvious, or as subtle as a whisper, it is not direct or clear, it is a cloud, a shadow, as movement glimpsed from the corner of our eyes, and it is pervasive, permeating every aspect of our existence... this is how the program works. Between the mythology painted for us, and the promise of dire consequences if we ask questions or peek beneath the surface we behave as the program tells us, purchasing, working, not quite surviving, and almost never thriving. Most importantly, we rationalize our feelings for those doing less well, sympathizing with their plight, and maybe writing letters, or having meetings where little gets done.

The Framework for an Acquisition Based Culture

Long ago, about 15,000 years, in the fertile crescent, where Syria is today, humans learned to grow food and agriculture was born. Prior to this humankind were predominantly hunter gatherers and lived a nomadic existence. This event could have led to many different paths for our species, any number of cultural frameworks could have developed, which is why we assume that the acquisition-based culture that developed is basic human nature. This assumes that human nature is like a light switch, on and off with little or no nuance. Humans are, at their core, a flexible and resilient species with an amazing ability to learn based on an inquisitive mind.

One of the outcomes of the cultural framework that developed is the process of labeling everything to better understand and identify it. The problem with how it is applied is that nuance is often lost in the on/off light-switch labeling process. The labeling becomes a process of othering by using the simplest definition something could have, good/bad, friend/foe, black/white. From there we can see the path leading to slavery, ownership of people, property etc.

This did not happen in a vacuum or overnight, it happened over time and as people settled into place and developed cities. It was a natural outcome of the need to expand culture beyond the small tribal model, to develop a means to expand barter and get the goods needed to grow and expand. Humans became more rigid and less flexible, some few thrived and many, many more sweated to provide wealth and resources to those “above” them.

This could be seen as a step onto an alternate evolutionary path for humanity if it weren’t for the beginning of an overwrite of human nature, a virtual mythology explaining existence that showed man as subservient to the gods… An evolutionary path embraces the core human, this was “other”, something to control rather than to uplift. From that point to this time, we can see a straight line that could lead nowhere else but here. This change is what led us to become the Borg from Star Trek, because part of the culture is that belief that we hold the one right way, and all other ways are inferior and need to be assimilated into our one right way. The overriding culture of today started from that point and became the one we live in today, a culture focused on acquisition, on a hierarchy where the bottom is viewed as lesser and kept that way by resource constraint. While there has been pushback throughout the millennia, new forms of governance, philosophy, revolution, all have failed to make significant change due to the prevailing culture. A cultural framework is necessary for humans to live together, it is the mechanism that is used to set guidelines and the “laws” by which we live. The U.S. Constitution is the latest attempt at bringing equality and voice to the whole of humanity in the United States. Again, the existing cultural framework was not addressed because we see it, not as a framework, but as something “other”, almost like we cannot see or understand its significance. The entirety of our cultural framework includes tools to suppress thought, questioning, challenge, and tools that provide the belief that change can happen but do not create change… It also includes triggers of cause and effect for change when it begins to occur like the peace movement of the 1960’s/70’s or Occupy Wallstreet. Early on it would have been military action, or religious purge, nowadays it is simply coopting the ideas into something commercial and/or social that corrupts it into a distraction, and educating us to be workers and not critical thinkers or innovators.

You can see how this might work like an Artificial Intelligence built on a humanity-based computer?

It you can picture that, and see how the programming is specific, we can move on to reprogramming the framework to support our humanity?


Not just 01000011 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100111 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100011 01100101 01110011 01110011 01100001 01110010 01111001 00001010 (binary language for change is necessary) but embracing what it means to be human, to have community, to know that people have your back, that shelter is available, that food is healthy and available, water is clean, education teaches you knowledge, and skills, that critical thinking and innovation are uplifted and vital to our society, that greed is not a thing because the root cause, the lack of bonding, does not exist. This can all happen, but it all starts, as Lao Tzu said, with a single step. This is truly a journey of a thousand miles, or maybe years, but it starts with a single step.

This is not a top-down solution, but the greatest grassroots movement the world has ever seen, one human at a time, one community at a time, one region at a time, over time… We start by gardening together, creating food security by growing healthy produce, and in the process learning to work together and respect each other. We break bread, discuss human needs, learn from each other, and build the puzzle of which we are all pieces. As we learn we truly become “We the People” and start the process of change, water security, planning, housing, all human needs first, then moving on to systems that will become the foundation of the future. All one foot in front of the other, all one step at a time, all with inclusion and diversity as keystones.

In order to solve a problem, you must first know you have one… and then you need to understand what it is and be willing to do the work!

Laying foundations to a human future... The Resilient Community Movement!